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When Geometry Meets Infinity

When we think about geometry, we often only consider finite shapes, but when we make the shapes infinite many surprises can occur.

Formula for the Area of every Shape | Pick's Theorem

Have you ever wondered how to quickly and easily calculate the area of any polygon on a grid, no matter how complex? In 1899, Georg Alexander Pick published an article where he stated his theorem. In this video, you will see the proof of this theorem.

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Every Type of Math Explained in 9 Minutes.

I explain interesting things that I learn. This video was inspired by The Paint Explainer.

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The Sum of All Prime Twins

In number theory, Brun's theorem states that the sum of the reciprocals of the twin primes (pairs of prime numbers which differ by 2) converges to a finite value known as Brun's constant. Brun's theorem was proved by Viggo Brun in 1919, and it has historical importance in the introduction of sieve methods.


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